Thursday, January 28, 2010


We've been at working making 'ecosystem mobiles' the last few weeks. We'd been talking a lot about ecosystems in recent weeks, looking at what ecosystems having common with 'community', a key concept in our program, and also how the gardens we are growing are part of larger ecosystems.

Students then created their own mini ecosystem mobiles. After looking at the work of Alexander Calder, and thinking about how like an ecosystem, a mobile is a type of art where the pieces interact with each other, students got to work, creating a version of an ecosystem of their choosing: lots of oceans, but also some forests, rainforests, swamps, deserts, jungles, farms, gardens and even a pond!

Ecosystem project

Ecosystem mobiles

Ecosystem mobiles

Ecosystem mobiles

Ecosystem mobiles

Ecosystem mobiles

Ecosystem mobiles

Student work - ecosystems

Ecosystem project

Ecosystem project

Ecosystem project

Amazing penguins done for our ecosystem project by three 4th graders!

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